
Flaunt Denim Editorial - Retouching

Mr Yoshino just emailed me the tears from a recent shoot he did for Flaunt.  The team is as follows:

Photographer: @yoshinostudios

Publication: @flauntmagazine

Model: @nilsbtler @twomanagement

Casting + Production: @adzybrowne @sixwolvescreative

Stylist: @julietvo

Make Up: @jeffreybaum @ateliermgmt

Hair: @yuends

Photo Assistant: @evanduning @dfla_studio

Retoucher: @theallenchu

James Franco - Retouching

So as you may have noticed, i've been MIA for quite a while now.  I was seduced by the glamour of a 9-5 and steady paycheck and found myself in a few miserable situations that looking back now I regret getting myself into.  Because of the comfort of steady pay, I slowly found myself transitioning to retouching more and more.  I'd estimate that 75% of my work is now retouching, and while I love it, I still ache to take photos every once in a while.

Recently I was introduced to Grant Yoshino through my friend Juliet Vo.  Grant is a pretty badass photographer and he enlisted my help on a few editorials that i'm pretty stoked for.  I'll be posting the images as soon as their up.  For now, here are some of his photos of James Franco that I got to retouch.  Look forward to more frequent updates starting now!

PS i'm also doing project365, a photo a day for a year, to try and bring back that original passion I had for photography.  Most creatives can tell you, ruts are hard, but once that spark hits again we get that intensity back.  Hopefully project365 will give me that spark back!